Chapter 79: Bend the Knee or Die 3

The Arbor stood in eerie contrast to the chaos unfolding in the rest of the Reach. The vineyards were lush, the harbors bustling, and the halls of Redwyne Keep remained orderly as if war was nothing more than a distant rumor. But Paxter Redwyne knew better. War was no longer an uncertainty—it was a storm waiting to break.

The Lannisters' demand for fealty still sat on his desk, unanswered. Each day that passed without his reply was a statement in itself, an act of quiet defiance that would not go unnoticed. He had made his decision. Now, he had to prepare for the consequences.

Inside the great hall, Paxter sat at the head of the long table, flanked by his closest advisors. Mina stood to his right, her expression unreadable, while Ser Martyn and Alistair occupied the seats nearest to him. Several lesser lords of the Arbor had gathered as well, each keenly aware of what was at stake.

"The Lannisters are watching," Mina began, addressing the room. "Tarly has not moved on us yet, but it is only a matter of time. They will want to secure the Arbor's resources before any resistance can be organized."

Paxter leaned forward, his fingers drumming against the polished wood of the table. "Then we must ensure they do not see us as an easy target. We've already fortified our harbors, increased our patrols, and reinforced our supply chains. But that is not enough. We need to show them that any attempt to take the Arbor will cost them dearly."

Ser Martyn nodded, his jaw tightening. "The fleet is ready, my lord. We've stationed war galleys along the trade routes leading into the Arbor. Any Lannister or Reach vessel attempting to pass without our approval will be turned away—or sunk."

There was a murmur of approval from the gathered lords, but Alistair looked uneasy. "A blockade will antagonize them further," he cautioned. "If we openly restrict their movements, it could be seen as an act of war."

Paxter gave him a sharp look. "It is already war, Alistair. We are not the ones who burned Highgarden. We are not the ones who executed our former allies. Tarly and the Lannisters have made their move. Now we must make ours."

Mina turned to Alistair, her voice measured. "If we do not act, we will be isolated. We must either align ourselves with the conquerors or prove that we are strong enough to remain independent."

Alistair hesitated, then gave a reluctant nod. "Very well. But we must be careful. We cannot afford to make enemies of everyone."

Paxter turned his gaze to the gathered lords. "That is why we must secure our alliances now, before the storm arrives at our shores."

The following morning, ravens flew from the Arbor in every direction. Messages were sent to every house in the Reach that had not yet sworn to Tarly, offering them protection in exchange for loyalty. Letters were dispatched to Braavos, reinforcing House Redwyne's commitment to trade and requesting their continued investment in the Arbor.

The most delicate message, however, was sent to White Harbor.

Lord Manderly,

The balance of power in Westeros is shifting, and the Reach has become a battleground. The Lannisters now claim dominion over our lands, but their rule is built on conquest, not loyalty. They would see our wealth and resources bent to their will. House Redwyne does not intend to submit.

The North has long valued its independence, as does the Arbor. We propose a strengthened alliance between our houses. Trade routes between the North and the Arbor remain open, free from Lannister interference. In return, we ask only for your continued friendship and, should the time come, a united front against those who seek to dominate the Reach by force.

The tides are changing. Let us ensure that we do not sink beneath them.

—Paxter Redwyne, Lord of the Arbor

The letter was worded carefully—not a plea, but an offer. Paxter knew that the North was wary of the Lannisters. If he could secure their goodwill, it would place another obstacle in Tarly's path.

Days passed, and tension settled over the Arbor like a thick fog. Reports from the mainland painted a grim picture—Tarly's forces were moving, securing key fortifications, bringing the remaining Reach lords to heel. Paxter's scouts had spotted several contingents of soldiers traveling south, though it remained unclear whether their destination was the Arbor.

Ser Martyn entered Paxter's solar late one evening, his face grim. "We've intercepted a Lannister ship."

Paxter looked up from the reports he had been studying. "Where?"

"Near the northern trade route. Our patrols stopped it before it could dock. The captain claimed he was carrying a message from King's Landing, but our men found weapons in the cargo hold."

Paxter frowned. "So they are arming their allies in the Reach."

Mina, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, spoke up. "Then the question is—what do we do with the ship?"

Paxter considered this. They could let the vessel go, but that would show weakness. They could sink it, but that would be an act of open defiance.

Finally, he made his decision. "Confiscate the cargo. Strip it of anything valuable. Then send the ship back, but let the crew live. Let them tell their masters that the Arbor is not theirs to use as they please."

Ser Martyn nodded. "It will be done."

Mina tilted her head, studying Paxter. "You're testing them."

Paxter smirked. "And they are testing us. Let's see who blinks first."

A week later, a raven arrived from White Harbor. Paxter broke the seal and read the message in silence. When he finished, he handed it to Mina.

She read it quickly, her eyebrows raising slightly. "Lord Manderly is willing to maintain trade with us. He does not promise military support, but he acknowledges that the North has no love for the Lannisters."

Paxter nodded. "It is a start."

Ser Martyn leaned forward. "And Braavos?"

Mina smiled slightly. "They have agreed to invest further in our trade operations. They do not wish to take sides in the war, but they see the Arbor as a valuable asset."

Paxter exhaled in relief. "That is all we need. As long as we have their backing, the Lannisters cannot move against us without serious consequences."

That evening, as Paxter stood on the balcony of his keep, another raven arrived—this one bearing the sigil of House Lannister.

Mina opened it, reading aloud:

Lord Redwyne,

Your silence is noted. The King does not tolerate disobedience. This is your final opportunity to reaffirm your loyalty to the Crown and to House Tarly. If you refuse, know that House Lannister does not forget, nor does it forgive.

You have one week.

—Ser Kevan Lannister, Hand of the King

A chill ran through the room.

Ser Martyn muttered, "That's a threat if I've ever heard one."

Paxter folded his arms, staring out at the darkened sea. The moment had arrived. There was no more time for diplomacy, no more time for careful maneuvering.

Mina looked at him. "What will you do?"

Paxter turned, his expression hardened with resolve. "We do what we have always done. We stand."

And with that, the path to war was set.