The Emperor Enters the Mundane World

[As you peruse the pages of the Four Books and Five Classics, your noble spirit +1, cultivation +1 year]

[For your creation of the discourse Journey to the West, martial insights +100]

[As you recite..]


Jing Nation.

In the study of a residence within Langzhou City, there sat a young man in azure robes, engrossed in the scrolls he held.

His name was Gu Lan.

Three years ago, precisely in the first year of Jiaqing, he traversed into this world.

A realm where one could attain immortality through the mastery of myriad paths!

As a beneficiary of the transmigration enthusiast, the scholar's system was also bound to him.

Merely by reading, he could attain Confucian spirit and Daoist cultivation, even martial insights and divine artifacts.

However, none of these were enough to excite Gu Lan.

Because he knew that this place was, in reality, a world from a novel, one with which Gu Lan was quite familiar from his past life—a eunuch-themed story!

Yet, in terms of the narrative, he was merely an inconspicuous and handsome supporting character, not even qualifying as an antagonist.

As a prudent adherent of various cultivation novels, Gu Lan possessed the self-discipline of a supporting character.

Endure quietly and avoid unnecessary bravado!

No matter how formidable one's strength, there was still fear of the backlash of destiny.

Aware that the protagonist and the major antagonist were destined for turmoil in the imperial city, Gu Lan deliberately settled in Langzhou, distancing himself from the court, merely observing the spectacle from afar!


"It’s almost time for Madam and Yexi to arrive home."

At this moment, Gu Lan set aside the scroll, gazing at the snow-covered scenery outside the window, murmuring softly.

On this day, the local residents had all gone to Dajue Temple to pray and offer incense for the Little New Year. Mu Yuyan was naturally no exception.

When she left early in the morning, she mentioned that she would pray for Gu Lan, wishing for a safe and successful year, and success in the upcoming imperial examinations.

At the thought of his wife, tenderness filled Gu Lan's eyes.

They had married six months ago, without parental arrangements or matchmaker's words, purely encountering and falling in love at a temple fair.

In the past six months, they had harmoniously lived together, Mu Yuyan being both virtuous and adept at managing the household. The Gu family's life had improved steadily, and they had run a teahouse, which was opened a few days ago and was thriving in business.

Neighbors and friends all envied them as a perfect match, saying that the young couple were destined soulmates from a previous life.

It could be said that in this otherworldly realm, what Gu Lan cherished the most was this ordinary yet incredibly blissful relationship.

There was no other life that he would want to live expect for this one, not even the protagonist’s!

"Old Yang, Madam is coming back soon. Prepare the porridge, and don’t forget to add more brown sugar and dates!" Gu Lan instructed towards the door.

"No problem, Master. I know you care deeply for Madam, so I've already started cooking!" came the cheerful voice of Old Yang from outside the study. "Not many families have a master like you, caring so much for the lady..."

In the study, Gu Lan smiled knowingly and continued perusing his book.


At the Pear Blossom Lane, on the way back to the Gu Residence.

A simple carriage moved slowly through the snow.

Inside, a woman draped in snowy white shawl was dozing off. Beside her sat a maid in green, sitting upright, with an empty offering basket at her feet.

If one were to ignore the woman's breathtaking beauty, her grace, and the terrifying cultivation hidden beneath the surface...

One might think she was just an ordinary woman returning home after seeking blessings!

She was none other than Mu Yuyan.

Apart from being Gu Lan's wife, she was also the reigning female Emperor of the Great Jing Nation!

At this moment, Mu Yuyan was listening as her attendant, Liu Yexi, read a confidential report. It concerned the widespread famine in the southern regions this year, with starving peasants and desolation throughout the fields.

"Your Majesty, the drought in the southern regions has persisted for more than a year, and it is not something that can be resolved overnight. We must plan for the long term," said Liu Yexi, noticing Mu Yuyan's brows furrowing increasingly.

"Yexi, the famine in the south is only an example," Mu Yuyan opened her beautiful eyes, shaking her head with a soft sigh. "Since my ascension, in the first year of Jiaqing, the demonic nation from the northern desolation invaded the borders of our Great Jing. Countless atrocities were committed—pillaging, burning, and killing."

"Two years ago, the bandits in Jinzhou were particularly fierce. It's said... even mass slaughters occurred in the city!"

"Last year, the floods in Huangzhou resulted in the current situation."

"In these years, chaos has erupted one after another throughout the land... It seems the prophecy of the Old Director of Astrology, predicting the decline of the nation and turmoil from all directions, is truly coming to pass."

"Your Majesty..."

Feeling that these words were inauspicious, Liu Yexi wanted to interject.

At this moment, the jolting came to a halt, and the carriage had arrived at the entrance of the Gu Residence.

Mu Yuyan waved her hand, "No need for further words. Instruct Great Chancellor Sima and the Ministry of Revenue to handle this matter and continue relief efforts. At this point, we can only take it step by step."

Hearing the helplessness in Her Majesty’s words, Liu Yexi sighed softly. The succession of dynasties in the world was the inexorable trend, truly mysterious!

Even the female Emperor reaching the Sword Immortal Realm could not influence the unseen and intangible fate of the nation. She remembered that when the Old Director of Astrology made the prophecy, he also provided the only solution!

However, this solution has yet to offer any glimpse of hope.

"Emperor enters the mundane world."

That's what he said before ascending to immortality.

He also revealed a divine technique with a concealed aura, unheard of in the mortal realm!

Living a life of a commoner after discarding the identity of an Emperor—could it truly save the fate of Jing Nation? Mu Yuyan didn't know.

It seemed too elusive.

But she knew that even though she had hidden her identity as the female Emperor and all her aura, assuming the name of a mortal in this world...

Perhaps only by finding a true Immortal Saint or taking that final step herself, reaching the realm of the Sword Saint capable of changing the laws of heaven and earth, could she extend the lifeline of Great Jing.

Reclaiming her thoughts, Mu Yuyan took a deep breath, tilting her head to gaze at the plaque above the entrance of the Gu Residence. The concern in her eyes gradually transformed into tenderness.

"Master Gu, I have returned."

Her words were gentle, devoid of the superiority one would expect from an Emperor. In the main hall where the family gathered for meals, there were a few disgruntled voices at this moment.

"We agreed to put all the dates in Madam's bowl. Old Yang, what were you secretly serving me?"

"Young Master, there are enough dates!" Old Yang's defending voice echoed. "There are hardly any grains of rice left in Madam's bowl..."

"You... didn't have to put so many. Oh, Madam is back!"

Gu Lan saw Mu Yuyan enter the room, and a smile spread across his face.

"You've been dealing with your period these past few days, specifically brewed some porridge for you to nourish your body."

Gu Lan considerately helped her to sit down, speaking tenderly.

Mu Yuyan looked at the bowl of vibrant red porridge, couldn't help but suppress a smile, and quickly picked a few dates to put in his bowl. "Master Gu, you've been studying diligently every day; you should be the one needing more nourishment."

"With a beautiful woman accompanying me, studying can't be considered hardship."

Gu Lan took a bite of his dish, smoothly uttering sweet words.

Old Yang, who was silently having his meal beside them, chuckled. Mu Yuyan's cheeks blushed slightly.

Such a heartwarming scene was seldom witnessed within the confines of the imperial palace. Immersed in it, not to mention the female Emperor, even Liu Yexi felt a twinge of nostalgia.

"If Her Majesty could always accompany Master Gu and stay happy, it would be quite nice..."

Although well aware it was impossible, Liu Yexi couldn't help but harbor such thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Gu Lan's gaze suddenly fell on her, "Yexi, is there anything on your mind?"

Gu Lan hadn't noticed it himself; but for due to the noble spirit and Daoist cultivation, his perceptiveness was remarkably strong, and could easily discern the emotions of those around him, even the slightest one.

A brief exchange of glances passed between Mu Yuyan and Liu Yexi.

Liu Yexi put down her chopsticks, improvising on the spot, "In response to Young Master, today at Dajue Temple, I saw several refugees who were in pitiful conditions due to famine. It was quite emotional to see the rice in my bowl..."

"Refugees, indeed, are quite pitiful," Gu Lan shook his head with regret.

"Are they from Huangzhou?" Old Yang suddenly spoke up. Having escaped to the north from Huangzhou in his early years, he was curious about his hometown.

"No, they're from the southern regions, currently facing a drought," Gu Lan replied without hesitation.

He remembered that the novel had emphasized this plotline. In the third year of Jiaqing, there was a severe drought in the southern regions. Later, various natural disasters and man-made calamities led to widespread grievances, causing great suffering for the common people. Because there was an antagonist involved in this plotline, Gu Lan remembered this part quite well.

Hearing that they weren't fellow townsfolk, Old Yang nodded without showing further concern, continuing to focus on his meal.

However, unintentional words can stir intentional thoughts.

Mu Yuyan suddenly froze, and her beautiful eyes slowly turned toward Gu Lan.

"Master Gu... How did you know it's a drought in the southern regions?"

As the situation was prone to causing panic, reports were usually delivered urgently by special envoys from the Imperial Announcements Bureau directly under the Emperor.

Even with continuous and swift sword travel, the message had only reached her desk in the afternoon.

Gu Lan, who had been immersed in reading the classics and saints' works, was supposed to be unaware of external matters. How did he learn about it so quickly? Moreover, how did he know with such accuracy?


In this book, various cultivation systems are categorized, and the preliminary realm divisions range from low to high: Living, Soldier, Master, Nurture, Nature, King, Emperor, Immortal, Saint.

Different types of special constitutions and destiny grades include: Black, Grey, White,Cyan, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Gold, Red.]