I Draw My Sword, You Will Die

It was nearing dusk at this moment, and the sky was dimming. The citizens of the capital were busy closing their shops and heading home.

Suddenly, a roar resembling a lion's roar from the Buddhist temple echoed, causing people to panic and look towards the western sky. In the darkening night, they saw the wrathful Vajra manifestation in the western sky!

The face was half-Buddha, half-demon, with eyes like blazing torches.

The fierce appearance struck directly at the soul, causing people's hearts and livers to tremble.

"What kind of celestial being is this? It seems to be an enemy of the Tianji Pavilion Consecrator, judging by the sound. It looks quite formidable!"

"It seems to be a monk from the Western Region. I heard that the Consecrator recently killed a demonic monk, probably leading to this!"

"This guy is overtly menacing, looks like a demonic monk. The Consecrator will surely win!"