The Arrival of the Sword Immortal, Instant Slaughter

In the desolate north, amidst swirling yellow sand, a verdant oasis stood.

The ethereal, mist-shrouded palace of glass exuded an aura of divine sanctity.

Yet, despite its resplendence, this palace concealed the darkest of secrets.

A cacophony of debauchery filled the air, incessant and unsettling.

Aside from the two corpulent figures in the main hall, countless elders and disciples engaged in unspeakable acts of debauchery behind closed doors.

Yin and yang were harvested interchangeably, a perpetual cycle of exploitation.

The root of all this debauchery lay in the continuous recruitment of unfortunate youths from the mainland, to serve as vessels for cultivation, subjected to indoctrination and lashings within the dungeons.

Within the main hall, two corpulent men exuded formidable auras—one in mid-level immortality, the other in late-stage immortality—having absorbed the lifeblood of countless maidens.