Celebration of Birth, Universally Celebrated

"The decision rests with the Palace Lord!"

Upon the meticulous embellishment by the usually cautious Palace Lord, the elders below all nodded in agreement, understanding the situation well.

As the Grand Elder of the Blissful Immortal Palace, Guan Yan naturally stood out among them in strength.

However, just as he had ascended to the Lower Realm, he was swiftly annihilated by another!

With the Palace Lord refraining from action, who among them dared to venture into the Lower Realm to reclaim their dignity?

Furthermore, considering the substantial risks inherent in the Lower Realm, including the peril to life, none were willing to take such a chance.

"Since all the elders agree, let us await the return of our Palace Lord before venturing into the Lower Realm." Observing the consensus among the elders, the Blissful Immortal Palace's Palace Lord refrained from further elaboration.