He Couldn't Have Truly Been Injured, Could He?

Zhe Liang lifted his head, his eyes ablaze with brightness akin to fire. He gazed at the envoy from the Demon Realm, devoid of any hint of fear.

Though this fellow before him possessed far greater strength than both himself and Zhongren, his speed left much to be desired, especially in terms of agility.

It could be said that while this demonic bull had invested many skill points in strength, it lacked substantially in agility.

These observations were freshly gleaned by Zhe Liang through the recent skirmish, much like the precisely calculated strike he landed on the fellow's nose, no mere stroke of luck but rather a result of meticulous planning.

During this period, Zhe Liang acquired a wealth of new techniques and combat skills from Gu Lan.

Encountering a formidable opponent today, albeit lacking in speed, presented an opportune moment for experimentation.