Five years later...
The Perry estate, built on the outskirts of the city at great expense, was brightly lit and buzzing with people.
Today was the fourth birthday of the Perrys' little Princess Esmee Perry, and Wyatt Perry hosted a grand feast to celebrate his beloved daughter's birthday.
Wyatt Perry had drunk quite a bit of alcohol and was leaning against the window, his eyes bleary from inebriation.
Within moments, his glass was empty again.
A waitress dressed as a maid approached with a tray; he placed his empty glass on it and took another drink.
As the waitress turned to leave, a familiar, elusive fragrance wafted into Wyatt Perry's nostrils.
He paused, startled.
"Wait a minute!"
The waitress slowly turned her head, looking perplexedly at him.
Once he saw the waitress's delicate face, Wyatt Perry chuckled ruefully to himself and shook his head, "Never mind, you can go!"
The waitress nodded and walked away with the tray.