Chapter 196: Keep Hope Alive, to Avoid Despair (Bonus chapter for 1500 votes)_1

"I don't know if it's useful or not, but such miraculous things exist only if you believe; they don't if you don't," Jayden Maguire patted Wyatt Perry's shoulder, saying earnestly, "If you're interested, you might as well give it a try, perhaps there will be some rewards."

Wyatt Perry looked out at the azure sea and sky, watching the seagulls fly by, his voice trembling as he said, "I've always had this feeling that maybe... she's not dead..."

Lately, this feeling had grown stronger.

Jayden Maguire curled his lips and shook his head repeatedly, "Do you think your sister-in-law is made of iron? Surviving a huge explosion is one thing, but don't forget, there was not just an explosion but also a massive sulfuric acid leak..."

Claudia Ross's body had been dissolved by the sulfuric acid.

Jayden Maguire did not spell out this cruel fact, but he believed Wyatt Perry knew, he just didn't want to admit it!

Only by keeping hope can one avoid despair.