Chapter 220: Have Many Younger Brothers and Sisters_1

The weight that had been pressing on her suddenly lifted, and Claudia Ross could breathe with ease once more.

"I'm sorry," Wyatt Perry tossed out those three words and strode away.

Claudia Ross emerged from the emergency exit, only to see the lonely figure of Wyatt Perry receding into the distance.

Phew… She let out a long sigh.

Her swollen lips were still imbued with the taste of Wyatt Perry.

She touched her burning lips and cursed Wyatt Perry fiercely in her heart.

Upon returning home, the first thing Claudia Ross did was brush her teeth.

Only after thoroughly washing away the taste of Wyatt Perry did her mood slowly begin to settle.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her lips swollen like two sausages, so red they seemed about to bleed.

After a shower and getting into her pajamas, Claudia Ross lifted the covers and lay down close beside little An.

She propped her head with one hand and gently stroked little An's chubby cheeks with the other.