Chapter 238: Those Who Betray Her Will Not End Well_1

Wyatt Perry was still running a high fever when he returned to the estate, and his headache was so excruciating that he could barely stand it.

After taking some medicine, he lay down, and Esmee Perry stayed by his bedside, tenderly wiping his forehead with a wet towel.

"Daddy, does your head still hurt?"

"Much better."

Wyatt Perry managed a wan and feeble smile, not having felt this ill in a long time.

"But Daddy's head is still so hot!"

"It's okay, Daddy will feel better after some sleep."

Wyatt Perry was so weak that he couldn't keep his eyes open, and soon he slipped into a groggy sleep under the influence of the medicine.

Seeing Wyatt Perry lying there motionless, Esmee Perry was on the verge of crying.

She was terrified he might just die.

With trembling little hands, she reached out to put them near Wyatt Perry's nose and only calmed down when she felt his warm breath.


In her helplessness, the first person Esmee Perry thought of was Claudia Ross.