Chapter 248: Without Ruthlessness, a Woman's Position is Not Secure_1

Claudia Ross only replied with an eye-roll emoji.

Soon after, Wyatt Perry's text came again: "I'm really curious about the taste of the dumplings you made, but I bet they're not as delicious as you."

Flirting with her again!

This time Claudia Ross sent back a vomiting emoji.

Wyatt Perry responded: "Don't worry, no matter how bad it tastes I'll still eat it without throwing up."

He deliberately misinterpreted her meaning; she clearly found him disgusting, and she genuinely felt like vomiting.

She directly sent Wyatt Perry a poop emoji to see if he could stomach that.

Receiving the poop emoji, Wyatt Perry was not angry but instead quite amused.

After pondering for a moment, he sent another message to Claudia Ross: "I have to go on a business trip to Beatlein City tomorrow, can you take care of Little Sweetie for me?"

This time Claudia Ross didn't respond with an emoji but flat-out refused: "I can't!"

"She only wants you to accompany her."