Chapter 285 Intimate Little Cotton-padded Jacket _1

Xiao An spoke seriously, "Xixi, your daddy and mommy will be worried if they can't pick you up. Wait until your daddy and mommy agree, then you can come to my house."

After he finished speaking, he took Esmee Perry by the hand and walked outside. Xixi wanted to follow but was held back by the teacher.

Claudia Ross often used to pick up Esmee Perry from school, and the teachers recognized her, so after a call to Wyatt Perry, they allowed her to take Esmee Perry away.

Xiao An and Esmee Perry held hands, and you couldn't miss the joy on their faces.

With the two little ones so lively and cute, even if Claudia Ross felt a bit unhappy, it didn't count for much.

She turned her head and saw Xixi glaring at them fiercely, causing her to frown involuntarily.

If he's like this as a child, what will he be like when he grows up?


Claudia Ross drove the car out of the garage and happened to see Wyatt Perry's car parked across the street.