Chapter 346: Wyatt Perry, Don't You Die......_1

"Don't lie to her, wait until I'm really about to die before going."

What Wyatt Perry thought was that, if he was dying, even if Claudia Ross truly didn't come, losing the bet wouldn't matter. He wouldn't have to worry about losing face.

"Do you think death is far from you?" Jayden Maguire said indignantly, "The doctor said the bullet is only five millimeters from your heart. Do you even understand what five millimeters means? That's the distance between you and death's door."

"I'm not dead, that's what matters."

It meant his time hadn't come. Now that Mark Reed's life hung in the balance, he couldn't afford any accidents either, otherwise there would be no one left to protect Claudia Ross.

He valued her life much more than his own.

Jayden Maguire sighed, "You say you risked your life to save her, and she doesn't even give you a glance, that's really heartless!"

"Don't blame her, it's my fault."