Chapter 358: The Child is Innocent_1

In Wyatt Perry's warm and broad embrace, Claudia Ross's frail body finally stopped trembling.

She unusually didn't push him away, nor did she disdain his kisses.

Lifting her little face, she looked at the injuries on his face and asked with a hesitant voice, "How did you get out?"

Wyatt Perry countered with a question of his own, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Claudia Ross turned her head to look at Hailey Jack, who was being helped up by two special police officers.

He was awake but still dizzy, staggering as he walked.

"Daddy, little sweetie is scared, little sweetie wants a hug." Esmee Perry, feeling neglected, tugged at Wyatt Perry's sleeve to remind him not to forget his precious daughter.

Claudia Ross picked her up and smiled at Wyatt Perry, saying, "Esmee was very brave, she didn't cry even while hiding in the trunk!"

"Good girl." Wyatt Perry tousled Esmee Perry's messy hair, "Let's go, I'll take you home."