Chapter 367 Who Will Protect Her if He's Dead?_1

Claudia Ross immediately ran towards the bedroom after not seeing Wyatt Perry in the living room.

She saw Wyatt Perry lying motionless in the center of the bed, his face ashen, with numerous blood-soaked bandages strewn on the floor.

Her brain buzzed with a loud explosion.

She rushed to grab his wrist and shouted loudly, "Wyatt Perry, Wyatt Perry, wake up, wake up…"

"Daddy, daddy, wuu…"

Esmee Perry pushed Wyatt Perry's legs, crying with her face covered in tears.

No matter how Claudia Ross and Esmee Perry yelled, Wyatt Perry didn't respond. If it weren't for his breathing, even Claudia Ross would have thought he was dead.

Claudia Ross grabbed the maid named Xiao An who was standing to the side, and ordered desperately, "Quickly find the uncle at the door of the emergency exit and have them come in immediately."

"Oh." Xiao An obediently ran out and soon brought two bodyguards in.

"Take your boss to the hospital."