Chapter 369: Mark Reed Becomes a Father (Extra Chapter for Over 4000 Votes)_1

"You're better off not knowing."

Not wanting to add to Claudia Ross's psychological burden, Wyatt Perry remained deliberately vague.

Claudia Ross said discontentedly, "It's a matter of life and death for me—don't I have the right to know? I really want to see for myself just how distinguished that person is to the point where even you fear him."

"Sometimes knowing too much isn't a good thing."

Wyatt Perry placed the empty water glass on the nightstand and lay down again.

Having slept for two days, he still felt completely weak; he wasn't in any condition to pretend to be strong. He could only show Claudia such a weak side of himself,

But being weak had its advantages.

In the past, Wyatt Perry had been too strong, and Claudia, with her spring-like personality, would match his strength. They often ended up clashing and feeling unhappy.

But now, with hardly any energy to speak, Claudia began to treat him like a patient, and her attitude toward him had softened considerably.