Chapter 374: You Only Have One Daddy_1


"I won't call him that," little An grumbled discontentedly, "You're not my daddy, why should I call you daddy? Annoying!"

Without another word, Wyatt Perry ended the call.

Clinging to her phone watch, little An ran back to her room to complain to Claudia Ross, "Mommy, Uncle Wyatt is so annoying, he wants me to call him daddy. I didn't, and he wouldn't let me talk to Esmee."

Claudia Ross was in the middle of picking out clothes.

At those words, her hand paused in getting the clothes, and she slowly turned around.

She looked at little An, her anxiety growing as she confirmed, "He asked you to call him daddy?"

"Yeah," little An nodded vigorously, "Mommy, do you think Uncle Wyatt is annoying?"

Claudia Ross hesitantly agreed, "Annoying..."

Right now, what concerned her most wasn't whether Wyatt Perry was annoying or not, but why he wanted little An to call him daddy.

Remembering the vial of blood the doctor had drawn from little An, a chill ran through Claudia Ross's heart.