Chapter 376 Disbanding Meal_1

It seemed only right to have a final meal together to mark the divorce, and after hesitating for a moment, Claudia Ross agreed.

But she refused to go to the place Wyatt Perry had specially arranged, insisting on choosing the venue herself.

"Okay!" Wyatt Perry agreed readily.

Although he had put a lot of effort into planning this final meal, choosing a place not only with good dishes but also with a great atmosphere, Claudia Ross would definitely like it.

Since she didn't want to go there, he didn't press the issue.

As long as he was with her, even if it was just to a dingy roadside diner, he was willing.

Claudia Ross certainly wouldn't pick somewhere as shabby as a fly diner, though.

She took Wyatt Perry to Rivile University, where there were many tasty and affordable eateries by the university gate.

Before eating, Claudia Ross went to buy a milk tea first.

Her favorite was the Thai milk tea sold at the beverage shop by the school entrance.