We Fight as One Bro

Another swing from the goblin leader reminded Tark of the gravity of the situation. He barely dodged the blow, focusing intently on the fight. Stark, brimming with newfound confidence, called out, "Need some help, bro? The food's going to be nice and cold by the time you're done."

Tark, between dodging and attacking, replied, "Hey, Stark, you can go eat if you want. I can finish up here."

"Are you crazy?" Stark said, pointing to the goblin leader. "I can't leave you here with that. Besides, how would I face Emery and your parents? I think the best play here is for us to work together."

"Maybe he's stronger than we thought," Tark admitted, after a moment of consideration. "Yeah, sure."

That was Stark's cue. He hurled his large sword at the goblin leader with surprising speed. To Stark, it felt light as a toothpick, but the thunderous crash as it struck the wall proved otherwise. The goblin leader, momentarily stunned, tried to pull the sword from the wall but couldn't budge it.

Tark took advantage of the distraction, slashing with his daggers. However, the goblin leader blocked the attack with his right arm and tried to use the momentum to knock Tark out. Tark narrowly avoided the butt of the sword, as it turned back into its original size, making it too small to reach Tark's head. The goblin leader was momentarily surprised, loosening his grip just enough for Tark to escape and jump back.

"Thanks for the assist," Tark said, his nervousness evident.

"Come over here," Stark said urgently. "I've got a plan."

Tark shuffled over, and Stark quickly outlined his strategy. "There's only one of him and two of us. We're going to overwhelm him with our superior numbers."

"Superior numbers?" Tark said skeptically. "There are only two of us. You call that superior numbers?"

"It's better than what he has," Stark replied. "I hope."

"Quick, Tark, what do you have in your pockets?"

"An inkpen, a paper clip, some bubblegum, and a toy gun," Tark listed.

"A toy gun?" Stark asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We'll talk about that later. Right now, give me everything you have," Stark said. Tark handed over the items, and Stark pulled out the paper clip. "I need you to engage him again, keep his attention. I'm going to work on something."

Tark nodded and resumed the fight, distracting the goblin leader. Stark focused on the paper clip, visualizing it transforming into a spear. The weapon, light as a paperclip in his hand, was exactly what he needed. He put some distance between himself, Tark, and the goblin leader. Once he was far enough away, he tossed the spear at the goblin leader.

The goblin leader noticed the spear but couldn't react quickly enough. Tark, using his power, turned the spear back into a paper clip, making it disappear from sight. At the perfect moment, Stark transformed it back into a spear. Startled, the goblin leader flinched, giving Stark a chance to throw his gum. The gum expanded into a large pink blob, covering the goblin leader's body except for his head.

Stark then pulled out the toy gun, which transformed into a full-size harpoon gun. He took aim and fired, the harpoon shooting out and hitting the goblin leader square between the eyes. As the gum returned to its original form, the goblin leader's body collapsed with a thud, dropping the sword.

"Wow, just wow," Tark said, rushing over to Stark. "I've never seen Emery do anything like that. How did you do it?"

"Bro, if I'm being honest, I had no idea if any of that would work," Stark admitted. "I'm glad it did. Man, wait until I tell Emery about this. She won't believe any of it."

"Yeah, if I wasn't here, I wouldn't have believed it either," Tark said, patting Stark on the back. "You're like the big brother I never had. Well, you are the brother I never had, literally," Tark added with a laugh.

"Come on, bro, let's go get you fed. YOUR FEAST AWAITS, ALMIGHTY WARRIOR!" Tark announced dramatically.

Stark, a bit embarrassed by the praise, said, "Can we just go eat?"

"Alright, let's go, brother," Tark agreed with a grin.

As they made their way back to the house, Stark felt a mix of relief and pride. The battle was over, and he was beginning to feel more at home in this strange new world. The promise of a hearty breakfast was the perfect reward for their efforts.