Chapter 193 Air Corridor

At 8 p.m., Peanut replaced Lin Wu on sentry duty, and Lin Wu teamed up with Maya to lead a spearhead force across the river to raid the power station. Horse Soul, Snow Egg, and Little Knife provided rear fire support with their crossbows, while Peanut and Emerald Feather stayed behind at the post to coordinate.

Lin Wu advanced alone, prying open the control room of the power station and gently pushing the door open. He didn't look inside; instead, he lit a Molotov cocktail and threw it straight in, then quickly retreated. Seconds later, a large group of zombies burst out of the door, including two Titans and over a dozen Frenzies. At this moment, an Exploding Carnage ignited and exploded, shaking the ground nearby.

The zombies that rushed out couldn't find a target and seemed bewildered. Crossbow Arrow and the sentries began thinning them out, but when Titans were hit, they would roar, attracting more zombies from around the area.