The fuel was exhausted, and Lin Shi returned to the bonfire room. As a representative, Shana said, "We have decided to choose 'Hardcore Mode.'"
This result somewhat surprised Stone, "Is this what you all discussed?"
Shana said, "There are many reasons and justifications. If you want to hear them, there's plenty of time, but the decision is final. Now please step aside, because we need to deal with the last issue. Lin Wu, what about you? 'Hardcore Mode' or a new home?"
"Hardcore Mode." Any questions?
Shana: "Okay, the next question is: How 'hardcore' is 'Hardcore Mode' really? Everyone, please share your thoughts."
Lin Wu: "When the map ends, the dagger appears; the last two months will definitely be super hardcore. While logging, Maya and I found a suspected tunnel entrance. After the cold wave ends, we'll raid the Fortress base, taking whatever we can."