Chapter 373 Number 2

Lin Wu watched Blood Meng walking away on foot, not noticing anything unusual. About an hour later, Blood Meng returned. She casually observed the surroundings as if nothing was amiss. The bottom of the apartment building hosted a small commercial street, primarily featuring pizza and burger joints, bustling with people, but she didn't spot anything suspicious and so returned to the fifth floor.

Blood Meng didn't immediately visit the neighbor but first went to her own apartment, turned on the lights, and then proceeded to the neighbor's place. Lin Wu answered the door, and Blood Meng asked, "Any unusual occurrences?"

"None." Blood Meng handed a bag to Lin Wu, "One for each of us, I also bought ten extra size five batteries. You know, if Shadow intends to broadcast, a radio alone won't cut it; you'll need basic station equipment too."

"That's not my concern. What's it like outside?"