The shelter on the 51st floor connected to the rooftop skylight had been smashed open, and several water collectors had amassed a large amount of water. The water on the floor was also collected into large barrels, to be used for flushing toilets.
Breakfast consisted of thin porridge with pickled vegetables and a few slices of greasy, overwhelming cured meat. The issue everyone discussed during breakfast was the power outage. Stone had been prepared for this all along, as power and water outages were within his expectations. His temporary shelter was equipped with a set of motorized descent devices. Once harnessed, a press of the button could lower people down and pull them up, complete with a fully charged battery. Even without the battery, it wasn't a problem, because there was also a diesel generator. However, there were only 50 liters of diesel fuel.
Shana didn't understand, "You bought food, but not much. You prepared a generator, but there's not much fuel."