Chapter 8 Focus_1

After the successful test of the 120-ton-class K120 engine, the simplified and downscaled K30 became even simpler.

Compared to the rocket engines of other countries, the K120's biggest feature is its simplicity.

It has few dense networks of pipelines, everything is concentrated as much as possible, and the size is reduced as much as possible; its technical standards are also a bit lower than those of similar types, it was born for mass production.

Following the traditional path, most efforts are put into manufacturing methods, like the 3D additive printing technology that will mature in a few years.

It's not about who's better or worse, but it's indisputable that a simpler structure easily enhances reliability.

In the following time, thanks to the advanced technicians and professors transferred from Southern Machinery Institute and its affiliated factory, the manufacturing speed of various rocket components suddenly increased.

As it was the first experimental model, a smaller number of parts could be handcrafted directly, and the products turned out to be even more exquisite than those from mass production.

As for the typically challenging components like the shell and fuel tank, since the rocket's diameter was only 2.5 meters, there were no technical difficulties at all, and many manufacturers were capable of producing them.

Tang Weitian, who claimed to have come for a meeting, stayed at the tractor factory, poking around all day under the guise of visiting and offering support and guidance.

Guo Shen found that this old man was not simple; despite his academic outcast appearance, he possessed extremely profound aerospace knowledge. Upon inquiry, he learned that the man's specialty was aerospace dynamics.

When Lin Ju found out, he was green with envy. To have an academician in aerospace dynamics working for him would be wonderful, but the gap was too large; it was impossible.

While Lin Ju was pondering how he, with his meager resources, could possibly poach a big fish from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, public opinion began to stir on the other side.

As Southern Machinery Institute fully invested itself in the rocket and satellite project, slowly some details started to leak out.

The Institute was mainly responsible for the satellite; people also learned about the collaboration with private enterprises on the rocket's research and development.

Nosy people followed the leads, and eventually, to their surprise, they discovered that the name written in the cooperation agreement was none other than New Yuan Town Tractor Factory?

If the document hadn't accidentally leaked from a professor's email, proving its authenticity, such a result would seem far-fetched.

This news soon appeared on the forum of Southern Machinery Institute and then spread to the public.

A few days later, an article titled "Leading the Vanguard of Private Aerospace, A University Collaborates with a Tractor Factory to Build Rockets" appeared in the media, quickly attracting a lot of attention.

Just then, Lin Ju, who had been browsing the Southern Machinery Institute forum, immediately saw the post about this news.

The once quiet forum of Southern Machinery Institute recently saw a surge in followers, and the heat of this particular post reached its peak, with many viewers not even students but simply there for the spectacle.

"Which self-media made up this ridiculous news? Southern Machinery Institute is an old engineering school; how could it possibly cooperate with a tractor factory?"

"It's gotta be a joke, right? The school's affiliated factories are at least better than a tractor factory, aren't they?"

"I think it might be true. My senior brother and his advisor seem to have gone to the tractor factory for technical support. The collaborative unit is indeed called New Yuan Town Tractor Factory."

"Give us details."

"Details, please +1"

"Details, please +1"

"Come on, just go check the school's official website yourself. They've already posted three or four articles."

"What, who seriously reads the school's official website."


Lin Ju quietly turned off his phone; he had somewhat anticipated this kind of reaction.

When the agreement was signed, the tractor factory had not been renamed yet and, due to the tight timing, we used the name of New Yuan Town Tractor Factory.

As for the new name, he hadn't thought of one yet; after all, as a tractor factory destined to be extraordinary with the support of a system, the name could not be chosen too hastily.

However, this move indeed caused a great shock to the onlookers, to the point where even the staff and students of Southern Machinery Institute couldn't help but cover their faces every time they saw it.

What he didn't expect, though, was that this incident actually caught the attention of the aerospace bureau.

That day, Principal Jiang, who was rarely diligent, personally went to the laboratory to check on the progress of the satellite's development, when he suddenly received a phone call.

As soon as he saw the number, Principal Jiang, who was usually calm and unhurried, darted to a quiet place and hurried to answer the call.

"Hello? Leader, this is Jiang Yugui from Southern Machinery Institute."

"Oh, I've heard recently that your Southern Machinery Institute has taken on a big project, not only developing a satellite but also launching it into space with your own rocket?"

"There is such a thing, but our satellite is just a small one we're playing with, and the rocket is being developed in partnership with a private space enterprise."

Upon hearing 'private space enterprise', the person on the other end of the phone let out a long hum, clearly indicating the true purpose of the call.

"This private space enterprise, what's the deal with that?"

Jiang Yugui quickly laid out the whole story, managing to remember every detail clearly.

"So you're saying, although this... tractor factory is quite new, it has indeed the technical capability to build rockets in terms of staff and equipment?"

"Leader, strictly speaking, their predecessor was a tractor factory, but now they are no longer related. However, we have definitely conducted a thorough investigation and can assure there is absolutely no fraudulent activity. Our project is also semi-public, and journalists and industry insiders can visit as long as they register with us."

With this explanation, the person on the other end of the phone believed in the authenticity of the matter and also heard the answer they were looking for.

"Don't sell yourself short; I'm aware of Southern Machinery Institute's efforts over the years. The national aerospace market has just opened up, and it's good to see private enterprises being so proactive.

Plus, a 400-kilogram satellite is not small at all; our first satellite was only 300 kilograms. You're starting off on a high note.

As long as you're serious about your work, the aerospace bureau can offer some support."

Hearing the senior leader's encouragement, Jiang Yugui's eyes widened, and he bowed in thanks over the phone.

The support from the aerospace bureau is not just lip service; it's indeed a possibility.

Because China's aerospace industry started rather late and the variety and production capability of launch vehicles are not strong, while launch demand increases year by year.

Moreover, the aerospace bureau is under great pressure with the advancement of major rocket and deep space exploration projects, so supporting private enterprises does not constitute harm to their interests.

After receiving tacit approval for support from the superior leader, Principal Jiang thought for a while and then instructed the school's official Weibo to post a blog entry.

The content was a photo of several professors gathered in front of a semi-finished satellite, with text vaguely hinting at exploring aerospace.

Usually, Southern Machinery Institute's blog traffic wasn't high, but before long, the official accounts of the aerospace bureau and several aerospace science institutes came together to like and help repost it, instantly generating widespread interest.

Although the whole process was vague and unclear, this was precisely in keeping with official behavior—they never provide clear information unless results are out.

This, in turn, sparked the interest of netizens. Now in 2014, the major rocket CZ-5 still had two years before its maiden flight, and several future private space enterprises were still in their infancy.

It's true that there are many news stories about universities developing satellites, but doing their own rockets to send those satellites into space was truly unique.

Then, alongside various rumors, the news about the tractor factory starting to build rockets spread wider and wider.