Chapter 16 Trading_1

After Guo Shen had expounded on the difficulty and technological breakthroughs of manned spaceflight from various angles, Lin Ju gained a clear understanding of the challenges involved.

Unless the world's manned spacecraft were purchased directly, designing one within a year would result in nothing more than a tin can, with a safety factor of at most 10%. The space agency would never allow you to send people into space with that.

At most, within a year, it would be possible to develop a rocket capable of launching a manned capsule, and even then, at least two successful unmanned test flights would be required before carrying people.

However, Lin Ju wondered internally whether manufacturing rockets could be outsourced for some materials, but the system had a set of evaluation standards. Once it exceeded a certain range, it would be deemed not entirely self-manufactured and therefore unqualified.

Obviously, directly purchasing manned spacecraft was not included in this.

But relying on oneself was not realistic either, so Lin Ju was preparing to let the four men leave before asking the system if assistance could be provided without buying when suddenly, a phone call came through—the negotiating team from the Institute No. 6 had arrived.

He had to put the new task on hold and prepare for the collaboration negotiations with Institute No. 6.

It was only when he greeted the team that he realized Professor Tang was not there; instead, the group was led by Chief Designer Zhao from Institute No. 6, also a top expert.

In the conference room, Guo Shen spoke up for Lin Ju and quoted their price:

"3 engines at 8 million Yuan each, totaling 24 million. Technical data and production licenses cost 240 million. The produced engines cannot be sold externally, and the rockets they are installed on cannot undertake international commercial orders. The total quote is 264 million Yuan."

No sooner had Guo Shen finished speaking than there was a messy commotion from the side of Institute No. 6.

"260 million? With that much, we could buy thirty engines. Why bother producing our own?"

"8 million per engine is too expensive, isn't it? Your rocket's production cost doesn't even seem to exceed 20 million."


Fortunately, Chief Designer Zhao immediately silenced the crowd and exchanged a few words with the people beside him. Then, with a troubled look on his face, he said to Guo Shen:

"Mr. Guo, this price is really too high. With your quote of 8 million, we could buy thirty engines, enough for seven or eight rocket missions. This has far exceeded our psychological expectations.

Institute No. 6 would hope the engine price to be around 6 million each. As for the production license and technical data, a total of 50 million could be offered."

Now it was Guo Shen's turn to shake his head along with his team. He brought up his experience at the America Aeronautics Agency and said:

"At 8 million per engine, we're not making any profit at all. Such a level of engine costs around 1 million US Dollars to produce; it's the technology licensing that earns money.

You've invested at least 1.5 billion Yuan in the development of the YF100. The K120 is more advanced, but we're only asking for 240 million Yuan for a production license. If it weren't for our boss wanting to support the space agency, the price would definitely be over 500 million Yuan."

Guo Shen made a convincing argument, and his estimate of the YF100 development costs was not far off. However, Chief Designer Zhao wasn't swayed:

"1 million US Dollars includes development costs, and besides, we are not lacking 120-ton class kerosene engines.

We can accept a price of 8 million per engine, but 250 million is really too expensive. Institute No. 6 can go up to 70 million, and that's the most I can approve."

After several back-and-forths, Guo Shen lowered the license fee to 220 million, but Institute No. 6 firmly refused to budge, insisting that even including the engines, they could only pay a maximum of 120 million.

The gap was too big, and it was impossible to come to an agreement at the moment.

In truth, the people from Institute No. 6 were aware that acquiring the license for 240 million Yuan was actually a bargain objectively, but on one hand, they were reluctant because of their own YF100, and on the other hand, Institute No. 6 really didn't have that much liquid capital available.

Although Institute No. 6's annual budget was far greater than this figure, it was national funding, not money at their discretion.

To come up with that much money was possible, but it would mean escalating the negotiation from Institute No. 6 to the space agency level.

But that would likely result in a collective review at Institute No. 6, where the leadership would kindly ask:

"Comrades, why is it that our project, into which we've invested research and development for over a decade, still falls behind a private enterprise?"

That would be a disaster, not ending without at least two people undergoing half a year of self-criticism.

Even the bit over 100 million they had was scraped together from Institute No. 6's reserves; there was truly no more to be had.

The negotiation reached a deadlock, and Lin Ju, who had until now acted as a hands-off boss, finally intervened.

He leaned forward, and immediately everyone's attention was focused on this almost invisible boss.

Lin Ju glanced over the people from Institute No. 6, sighed, and whispered a few words to Guo Shen.

Guo Shen at first shook his head, then furrowed his brow in thought for a moment, before placing his arms crossly on the table and bowing his head in silence.

Only then did Lin Ju turn to the people from Institute No. 6 and softly said:

"Chief Designer Guo has worked in America for quite a long time, so he is indeed very sensitive to pricing. He told me that we really can't lower the 240 million any further. The development of the K120 took seven years, costing 30 million US Dollars at that time. Selling it for 240 million is an absolute giveaway."

"However, I told him that we must lower the price. As a private aerospace company, we have to support the country too, so I made a decision that goes against my ances... capitalistic principles."

"Including the engine and technical documents, 100 million!"

Chief Designer Zhao's face remained calm upon hearing this, but when he heard that Lin Ju was actually reversing the price by 20 million, he was visibly moved. However, he suppressed the urge to express gratitude because his intuition told him there was more to come.

Sure enough, Lin Ju changed his tone:

"However, being a newly established private enterprise, our company is still very weak, especially in terms of personnel."

"So, we hope the Sixth Institute can provide us with some talents to help New Yuan Aeronautics get through the tough times."

"I'm not sure what you mean, Mr. Lin..."

"Oh, I mean we hope the Sixth Institute can give us a chance, and offer those who are interested in joining us another option."

The bit of gratitude that Chief Designer Zhao had just felt immediately vanished without a trace. Wasn't this just poaching talent!

To be honest, he would rather pay more than have his talent poached! These experienced space industry professionals were invaluable; losing even one would cause him great distress. If they were allowed to poach freely, there would surely be significant losses.

But the Sixth Institute really had no more money. Knowing he wasn't in a position to make the decision, Chief Designer Zhao requested a recess to report to his superiors.

During the recess, Lin Ju and Guo Shen didn't idle either; instead, they continued discussing the talent expansion plan.

"How's the contact with the Southern Machinery Institute going? How many are willing to come over?"

Guo Shen held up five fingers.

"Five? Isn't that a bit too few? Didn't I say to offer a higher salary?"

Guo Shen shook his head and gestured with a grab.

"No, almost all of them. Apart from two people, sixteen professors have agreed to join us, and more than ten outstanding students have also signed agreements, directly committing to a 10-year contract upon graduation."


Guo Shen couldn't help but smile inwardly as he watched Lin Ju gasp in surprise. The truth was that most of those assigned by the Southern Machinery Institute to provide technical support at the factory already worked in the school-affiliated factory and had been considering a job change for some time. No persuasion was necessary; a mere gesture brought them to their doorstep.

The students were even easier. Once the salary was mentioned, they all competed to stay.

Lin Ju hadn't expected it to be so easy, but he was very pleased to have added more than ten intelligent minds.

"All the researchers and senior technical staff must be moved into the R&D Department. Also, find me two more high-potential engineers tomorrow. I'm going to upgrade their skills."

The reason for choosing two was that Lin Ju had another use for one more Skill Upgrade Card.

Skill Upgrade Cards were used to enhance a character's current main profession and capabilities, with the strongest skill set being selected when there were several to choose from.

Lin Ju decided to give the last D-grade Skill Upgrade Card to the accountant and head of the publicity department, Cai Yuanfa.

This thin middle-aged man had much better management skills than financial acumen. Deputy Factory Director Chen Rong was a figurehead in name only, appointed for his technical proficiency. The operation of the former tractor factory often depended on Cai Yuanfa's efforts, which was the reality in a small factory.

Since Lin Ju had to delegate the management of company affairs, Cai Yuanfa, with sufficient experience and the ability to use a Skill Upgrade Card to enhance his management capacity, was ideal to become a reliable System person.

That evening, Lin Ju used three Skill Upgrade Cards, immediately adding two senior technicians to the System Research Institute.

After completing all this, he began the second attempt to request assistance from the system.

"System, I am hoping to secure technical assistance for the second mission!"

"[Assistance request from the host received, request approved. Confirmation type: Technical Assistance. Plan formulation in progress...]

"[Option one: A reusable two-stage spacecraft, can carry 1 to 6 crew members, equipped with an escape system, maximum diameter 4.8 meters, length 7.9 meters, maximum take-off mass 19 tons, empty mass 13 tons, can be modified for cargo version with 8 ton capacity.

Mission adjustment: Send at least 3 astronauts into low Earth orbit and safely return, complete one rocket recovery experiment.]

"[Option two: A small space shuttle, can carry 1 to 6 crew members, total length 13 meters, using a central lift body design, maximum take-off mass 21 tons, empty mass 16 tons, the cargo version can carry two crew members and 4.5 tons of cargo.

Mission adjustment: Send at least 5 astronauts or 2 astronauts and 3600 kilograms of scientific payload into low Earth orbit and safely return, complete one rocket recovery experiment.]