Chapter 69: Aerial Recovery_1

The South Sea, the reception antenna on the Yuanwang No.1 Radar Measurement Ship slightly turned, locking onto the already-in-space New Yuan-2 first stage.

She sent the measured altitude, speed, attitude, and other data to the communication satellites via the satellite communication antenna, and the Qiongzhou ground station received them, reflecting them onto the simulated attitude images.

Being into the national aerospace tracking and control system has one advantage: the rocket can be fully monitored from every angle without blind spots, with the ground able to cross-verify using both the data sent by the rocket itself and active detection.

The audience on the beach had still not dispersed; they all knew that the New Yuan-2 mission would attempt first stage recovery, and they could watch it from here as well.

Waiting on the beach for the recovery, the audience looked around and noticed something off about the launch pad across from them, to be precise, next to the launch site.