Chapter 76 CZ6R Second Explosion_1

June 25, 11 a.m., Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

The CZ-6 reusable Y2 rocket stood erect on the launch pad, with its 3.5-meter fairing making the rocket appear somewhat top-heavy.

Why not launch from the Bingzhou Satellite Launch Center? Because it was still being reorganized due to the explosion of the last Y1 mission.

The staff at Jiuquan were also quite nervous upon hearing this news, looking at the CZ-6 as if it were some kind of terrifying object, constantly advising He Tang.

"Old He, our space bureau's rockets aren't expensive to begin with. What's the point in fussing over this thing? How much money can it really save by recovering it? Will that end up in your pocket?"

"Director Qin, trust me, Ma Yilong has had so many explosions, and this has been just one failure for us. The mistakes of our last mission will not be repeated!"