Chapter 96 Aerospace Development Committee ADC_1


On August 6, Falcon 9 successfully completed its first sea recovery.

No one knew if the previous failures had exhausted all its bad luck, but this time, the thrice-reused Falcon 9 landed precisely in the center of the tugboat, absolutely perfect.

Now the whole world knew that Sky Fork had become the second space enterprise to master mature rocket recovery technology after New Yuan.

Meanwhile, the CZ-6 Remote 3 Rocket had been fully assembled. According to schedule, it would carry six satellites on August 11, launched from the Selenium Chang Satellite Launch Center into a 500-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit.

But now He Tang didn't want to launch, and neither did the person in charge of the Selenium Chang Satellite Launch Center.

"Old He, CZ-6 blew up Bingzhou, Jiuquan too, and if this continues, it will blow up my Selenium Chang as well, then Qiongzhou, and then there'll be nowhere left to blow up."