Chapter 99: Autonomous Driving_1

Lin Ju: "Can you independently pilot this spacecraft to complete the landing process?"

SC09: "I will make a comprehensive judgment and plan the flight path based on my own power level and the telemetry information. If you need, you can entrust me with piloting. I have a rich aerodynamics database and am more accurate than human pilots."

Lin Ju: "As you have guessed, you are now controlling a flight simulation cabin, but I require you to undergo a flight assessment just like a human pilot and to be scored according to the same criteria."

SC09: "Command confirmed. For the sake of command accuracy, I suggest you append 'confirm command' after issuing instructions to me. I will record your voiceprint and other characteristics obtained from sensors, to avoid misexecution of commands. You may also agree on other methods or disregard this."

After SC09 responded, Lin Ju and the group of engineers all expressed an incredulous look.