Chapter 120 CZ-9_1

The successful recovery of CZ-6 has made China's National Space Administration the third institution in the world to master the technology of vertical rocket recovery, securing a bronze medal.

Not only was the 8th Institute weeping with joy at the celebration, but other rocket teams also let out a sigh of relief.

Because this at least proves that the reusable rockets they are developing are not just a pipe dream; there is indeed a solid foundation.

Then the 6th Institute also brought good news. After developing the YF130, they will obtain high-pressure combustion chamber technology. The thrust of a single YF482 combustion chamber is 240 tons, and the 6th Institute will be confident to develop a single combustion chamber with a thrust level of 360 tons, the YF135, after the YF130.

The estimated thrust of the YF135 is about 360 tons, three times that of the YF100, and because it is a single combustion chamber, it is reusable. It is expected to be developed successfully by 2018.