Chapter 138 Tiger Mountain Airport_1

Texas, Ma had just returned home when he opened Twitter to see a never-ending stream of new messages, with an abnormally high number of people @mentioning him.

Clearly, Factory Manager Lin, who was a generation younger than him, had come up with some new stunt.

After casually scrolling for a bit, he found a screenshot of Lin Ju's Weibo post. Ma narrowed his eyes as he read.

He's actually planning to ride his own spacecraft into space?

Are all Chinese people so aggressive?

But on second thought, maybe it wasn't that aggressive. H1 had already carried out five manned spaceflights, as well as many more unmanned ones, all successful without any failures. In the aerospace sphere, this was proof enough of their reliability.

Beyond surprise, Ma also felt a sense of longing and a touch of envy.