Chapter 215 CZ-10 Transportation_1

Material and technological issues totaled 97 questions, which a luxurious research team composed of all Level A, B+, and B-level members solved in just 96 hours under the system's unscientific haste.

Of course, the cost was an astonishing "consulting fee" of 10.2 billion yuan.

In fact, Lin Ju didn't really lose out; if these 43 experts didn't terminate their external contracts, even if their research directions weren't closely related to aerospace, they could still bring a slight increase in research speed.

But when the 10.2 billion yuan bill was sent over, the superiors were very surprised, yet they immediately inquired about how much of the problem had been solved by the expert group.

The result was a checklist of technical and material difficulties, with each item on the list checked off.