Chapter 239 Cloud Ascend_1

"First, single-stage-to-orbit spacecraft need to endure the ablation of passing through the atmosphere. If the thermal insulation isn't handled properly, then the one-time maintenance cost could be exorbitantly high. Take for example the H1 and H2, which are exempt from replacement for life, the unit area cost of maintaining thermal insulation is less than one-thirtieth of that of H1, it's almost negligible;

therefore, the target of reducing the single journey flight cost to one million is achievable with the thermal insulation issue addressed. That leads us to the second key issue,"

Xie Liaofu spoke coherently and confidently, enunciating clearly with a well-organized thought process, which naturally instilled a sense of trust in others, to their surprise.

Such confidence and composure can't be feigned without years of leadership experience and solid technical expertise.