Chapter 253 Air Show_1


On October 20th, the CZ-7A Rocket had its maiden flight and successfully delivered three Laurel series resource exploration satellites into Moon orbit.

Its seemingly cumbersome yet actually ingenious, and not too heavy overall recovery system also achieved complete success.

The first stage and a half of CZ-7A successfully landed at the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site's landing field. Compared to the CZ-6, its stability due to greater weight and size meant a much steadier descent.

For this launch, CCAV (China Central Audio Video) still broadcasted live, and the female news anchor, as always, was unprofessional, exclaiming over the recovery process of CZ-7A and successfully raising viewer expectations.

In fact, the conditions at the Qiongzhou Space Launch Site are quite superior. Although it is at 19 degrees north latitude, not on the equator, it is still much better than America's Cape Canaveral, which is at a latitude of 28 degrees.