Chapter 285: Technical Reserve_1

Yutu-3A and its sibling landed on the ice layer, and New Yuan was the first to lose their cool upon hearing this news.

Explorer No. 1 had already traveled a maximum distance of 45.4 kilometers from the landing site, with the biggest discovery being a one-kilogram meteorite containing 1.5% rhenium content, which is more than ten times that found in rhenium ore on Earth.

This could be a fragment from a meteorite impact or an inherent mineral deposit, but its significance at the moment is not too great, something to be left for later on.

Meanwhile, the other four new Explorers of the Chang'e 5 mission had just touched down at two landing sites with no surprises and were prepared to dig ceaselessly until they were scrapped.

And now the Aerospace Agency had landed straight on top of an ice layer??!