Chapter 317: Undetectable 20_1

The atmosphere of Venus is quite peculiar, composed mainly of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, with pressure and mass reaching approximately 93 times those of Earth. The immense pressure turns carbon dioxide into a supercritical fluid, forming a unique type of ocean.

However, between 50 to 65 kilometers above the surface of Venus, the atmospheric composition primarily consists of about 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen, almost identical to Earth's atmosphere, allowing humans to breathe without assistance.

Furthermore, below this altitude lies the supercritical carbon dioxide, which theoretically could make buildings "float", thus allowing the construction of uniquely configured colonies.

Therefore, to scientists, Venus, despite frequently experiencing force 12 hurricanes and sulfuric acid corrosion, has colonization feasibility not inferior to Mars. This prompted the Union to send 16 Venus detectors last century, 10 of which accomplished soft landings.