Chapter 333 There is a Mistake Here_1

Nevada, South, Lincoln County.

In the desert of the Great Plains in central America, a yellow building that blended with the color of the sand stood alone.

This was the Jackass Flats test site, and the team responsible for resuming the development of nuclear rocket engines was called the JFT team, or JFT for short.

Back when America conducted research on nuclear-powered rockets, it included several projects such as the "Kiwi" nuclear thermal rocket test engines in the ROVER program, the "Phoebus" nuclear thermal rocket engines, the "Peewee" nuclear thermal rocket engines; in the NERVA program were the NERVA NRX nuclear rocket test engines, Experimental nuclear thermal rocket engines, and also the SNTP and SEI programs, meaning there were at least 4 projects with 7 series of engines.

To save time, the JFT team selected two models that had appropriate technical difficulty and performance to continue their research.