Chapter 410 Thinking of My Hometown_1

The Pentagon spies daily with satellites, and the Space Agency was not completely unprepared.

However, compared to the Dawn program which had clear goals and steps from the start, the Artemis program's various parts were not as clearly revealed, with complex and variable suppliers. Gathering information was quite troublesome under NACA's deliberate secrecy.

The launch of B1033 on the 20th at Cape Canaveral aroused their strong suspicions, a part of the "Gateway" space station? Really?

If that was just a suspicion, then the hoisting of "Blue Moon" onto B1034 on the 23rd almost confirmed that the Artemis-2 mission was not that simple.

Previously, the Space Agency thought that the Artemis program could at the earliest start with the third rocket, but now they are desperately rushing. Aren't they afraid of problems?

But NACA has been dragging its feet on releasing any information about Artemis-2, which is increasingly worrying.