Chapter 69 This Can't Be Washed Away (Please Subscribe and Vote for Monthly Pass)_1

Qingwu Lake, located to the north of Green Sea City, is the largest urban park in Green Sea City and a national 4A scenic area.

However, for the locals of Green Sea City, they still prefer parks like Red Leaves and a few others.

The flow of people near Qingwu Lake is too large, all tourists coming to sightsee, and the locals do not like to compete with them for space.

At this moment, due to a report that an aquatic monster had been sighted within Qingwu Lake, many of the lake's recreational activities had to be suspended and officials were actively evacuating the public...

Thump, thump, thump.

By the time the crowd had mostly dispersed, two armored trucks arrived from other parts of the city and stopped near Qingwu Lake.

Off the trucks, Lu Ran was the first to exit... followed by one cat, two cats, three cats... and then dozens of stray cats.

The elite members of the largest stray cat team in Green Sea City had all assembled here.