Chapter 78: The First Evolution (Thanks to the "Nuan Yang 1314" for joining the Silver League!)_1

Two hours later, having eaten his fill, Mr. Husky took a brief rest in the Contract Card and quickly recovered his energy.

By this time, Lu Ran had already gone to the Teleport Plaza in search of Doctor Gu.

Gu Qingyi: "I'm at the third stone pillar."

The Teleport Plaza had several large stone pillars, and although Lu Ran arrived at the designated location, he still could not find Gu Qingyi.

Not until a hand landed on Lu Ran's shoulder did he suddenly turn around.

"Doctor Gu?" Lu Ran looked at the figure who had approached him without making a sound, first catching the scent of a light fragrance, and then seeing the delicate features under Gu Qingyi's golden brown hair.

"Have you been here the whole time? I couldn't find you just now," Lu Ran expressed his confusion, as he had been very thorough in his search...