Chapter 109 Perfect Breakthrough_2

Only to see, in the forest, the figures of a man and his dog slowly emerged.

The dog's tail was even holding a longsword, the tip of which was thrust into a huge ice sculpture. It dragged the ice sculpture step by step, and inside the ice sculpture was a half-meter long, unconscious black fish.

Seeing the familiar figure and the ingredients they were dragging, many of the evaluators showed surprise.

"It's King of Sudden Death... The ingredient they brought back... Could it be the Mutated Dragon Fish!"

[Name]: Mutated Dragon Fish

[Attribute]: Water

[Species Level]: Low Dominator

Growth Level: 15

"Mutated Dragon Fish?! He actually found one!!" At this time, not only were the evaluators shocked, but even the three judges stood up abruptly and looked towards the ingredient Lu Ran had brought back!

The Mutated Dragon Fish was considered a step further than the ordinary Dragon Fish. Above it, one could transform into a Water Dragon.