Chapter 124 Examiner: Is this the fourth generation?_1

It was just past six in the morning.

Lu Ran and several others met outside the newly constructed "Jinling Beast Training Arena" in Jinling.

"I was so nervous I didn't sleep all night."

"Me too, more or less."

The folks from Lu Family Village were at a loss.

Beside them, Lu Ran and Fang Lan remained silent.

They had also been busy all night.

One of them studying "Thunder God Tactics," and the other "Fusion Skills" for a long time.

Fortunately, they were Beast Trainers with abundant energy, plus they had resources to keep them alert, so the lack of rest didn't bother them much.

"Let's go in," Lu Ran said with a yawn.

The Jinling Beast Training Arena had seating for an audience of fifty thousand people, but the number of candidates from Jinling didn't even reach one-tenth of that capacity, so it looked quite empty when they entered.

After all, the only ones sitting in the stands were the candidates themselves.