Chapter 127 Thunder Dragon Armor Combine_2

Moreover, many Beast Trainers can hardly even control themselves.

Lu Ran was quite fortunate in this regard, having established a good relationship with Mr. Husky and King of Sudden Death through Psychic Sensing early on. In the communication with his Pet Beasts, where most beginner Beast Trainers struggle the most, he almost faced no obstacles at all.

The inevitable confrontations... had all taken place during the initial bonding phase.

Moreover, the training he was arranging now was in alignment with the desires of his Pet Beasts.

In order to enhance defensive power, King of Sudden Death endured the pain and bitterness.

After all, getting zapped by electricity was better than actually dying in battle against an enemy later on.

Learning the Dragon Intent was also to strengthen the Energy Shaping of King of Sudden Death's armor. Currently, King of Sudden Death's physical defensive power greatly surpassed the strength of its energy armor.