Chapter 159 Evolutionary Secret Realm, The Attention of the World_2

"Several pet beasts will enter the Evolutionary Secret Realm in batches to evolve, striving to ensure that each pet beast gets the maximum blessing from the stars."

Gu Qingyi helped Lu Ran analyze.

"Indeed, evolving separately would be better, ensuring that each pet beast has the highest probability of receiving the star's blessing." Lu Ran nodded.

After all, wanting Mr. Husky, King of Sudden Death, and Dark Crow to evolve in the same batch and simultaneously rank in the top ten in potential was a bit of a stretch, not only because they would have to compete with others but also because they were rivals themselves; it would be better to space their evolutions out.

"On my side, I was originally planning to wait for the hatching of the egg from the Newborn Race and take care of it for a while before challenging the Breakthrough Secret Realm mainly because I want the first thing the hatched pet beast to see to be me," Lu Ran explained.