Chapter 164: Soul-Slashing Knife_2

"The soul, mixed with the consciousness of the living entity from before they died, can also be said to be the soul's memory."

"Those so-called 'soul searching' techniques in the Xianxia novels probably target this aspect."

"Essentially, the soul is an energy body, which is the necessary nourishment to sustain the life of an undead pet beast; the soul is non-toxic, it's the consciousness within the soul that can be harmful."

"The accumulation of these consciousnesses can lead to the corruption of both undead pet beasts and necromancers, causing them to lose their sanity and fall into madness."

"Just like using spices to 'deodorize', it should be possible to cleanse the consciousness from the spiritual body, but it's too difficult, not unlike creating a new recipe. Even if I had all the ingredients of the Star-Moon Continent before me now, figuring out the right combination, I don't know how many years that would take. This, one must leave to fate; it cannot be forced."