In the name of economy, they wrought chaos, discussing the societal harm of the Seven Star Gate industry...
"The Warning Record" revealed the true key term associated with Wang Chong.
The Alien Warriors who had disrupted Wang Chong's industrial chain were stunned by this news; their heads were buzzing.
After all their hustle, not only had they failed to weaken Wang Chong, but they had also unwittingly elevated him to the heavens...
This guy was too cunning!
The feeling of having one's intelligence ground into the dirt was truly unpleasant...
The miraculous turnaround also unsettled those Alien Warriors who had previously sneered at Duge's misfortune.
While they cursed their teammates who had botched things up, they had no choice but to join the efforts to restore order.
The warriors, known for their adherence to order, discipline, stability, and steadiness, used their own skills to persuade those citizens who had turned to banditry in the mountains to return home;