Chapter 193, Unlock Knowledge (One update today, 4 thousand)_2

Only a little more than a hundred zombies remained, still tearing at the thorns in the thorny ground, unable to climb out.


Li Yahong's eyes widened, somewhat incredulous at the scene before her.

It no longer mattered how the thorns had formed.

Her mass-produced spears, were they this effective?

Was their killing power this great?

Usually there were hordes of zombies advancing, engaging in close combat with the spear soldiers.

Now, there was barely even a need for close combat, as they died almost instantly.

At the rear of the horde.

The giant zombies, which did not step into the thorny ground, stood outside, pacing back and forth.

Their eyes were filled with blood vessels, and they were panting heavily.

Their bloodthirsty genes made them dangerously violent and restless.

But the awakening consciousness inside them reminded them that advancing would mean death, not to proceed.

Standing outside, they would take two steps forward then quickly retreat.