Chapter 233, Learn Quickly Following the Elder_1

Outside the manor, atop a hidden hill.

Wu Heng was observing the battle situation ahead through a telescope.

They had arrived here when 'Benasev' was still giving his speech.

They did not attack. Instead, they waited for the Necromancer 'Giovanni' to leave the building and enter their line of sight, then let Lieyi fire.

But the other party was more alert and did not die even when facing a sniper rifle.

Only one arm was blown off.

This level of injury could be relieved by drinking some potions, let alone a 16th-level mage who might have even more advanced potions.

As long as it was not fatal, the other party still possessed full combat power.

At this moment, dust was covering the area again.

"I'll have my people charge up; there shouldn't be many of them left," Wen Mansha said at his side.

She had used this type of machine gun before and knew its power under sweeping fire.