Chapter 241, Made Like This _1

The fire gradually died out.

The horde of corpses instantly collided with the band of skeletons.

Spears pierced the bodies of the zombies, while the skeletons in the back, wielding iron swords and axes, hacked the zombies squeezing in from above to pieces on the ground.

Blood and severed limbs splattered everywhere.

The entire sky seemed to be covered by a bloody hue, rendering it a dark red.

"Big Guy, Scary Claw Monster, you go too!" Wu Heng said as he surveyed the scene.

Big Guy thumped his breastplate with force, leading the remaining mutated skeletons into the horde of zombies.

He swung his arms like flails, sending hordes of zombies flying about like flowers scattered by a celestial maiden.

Scary Claw Monster, on the other hand, climbed up the walls and occasionally scooped up zombies, crushing their heads.

"Advance, full army!" Wu Heng commanded.