Chapter 258, quite accurate


Andre Willow responded and quickly set aside the documents, intending to deliver them to the elf Deputy Steward.

But before she could stand up, a knock at the door interrupted her.

Thump thump thump~!

The knocking was somewhat urgent.

Andre Willow opened the door and saw a small, sturdy figure standing outside.

After glancing at Wu Heng, he bowed slightly, "Team Leader 'Olin' at your service, Deputy Steward."

His voice was rough.

Still too late, they were now caught at home.

"Come in," said Wu Heng.

He scrutinized the newcomer as he entered.

Dark brown skin, about 1.6 meters tall and looking very strong.

His fiery red beard was thick, he wore dark brown leather armor, and a grey-feathered owl perched on his shoulder.

On his waist hung a short-handled battle axe, and a strong crossbow was strapped to his back.

Short people!

His profession was probably that of a Ranger or a Sentinel.